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Donne e ragazze nella scienza

No. 1 (2022): La giornata dedicata alle donne e alle ragazze nella scienza

Giustizia ambientale e sociale: i due lati della stessa medaglia: 7th International Day of Women and Girls in Science

31 March 2022


The latest data produced by the Alma-Laurea consortium (2022) highlights a fact known to anyone working in education in Italy: the overtaking – constantly increasing since the early 1990s – of female graduates over male graduates is not matched by an adequate response from the labor market. On the 7th International Day of Women and Girls in Science, and with educational goals to support an equal participation in science of both girls and boys of any cultures, these pages will comment on that
data in relation to the theme of the 2022 edition: “Equity, diversity, and inclusion: Water unites us”.


  1. Donne all’università, a cura di A. Micali, Bologna, il Mulino, 2001.
  2. L’università delle donne. Accademiche e studentesse dal Seicento a oggi, a cura di A. Martini e C. Sorba, Donzelli, Roma, 2021.
  3. Unesco Institute for Statistics, How much does your country invest in R&D?
  4. and-development-spending/ (ultimo accesso a questo e agli altri siti qui citati, 4 febbraio 2022).
  5. L’avventura del progetto IRRESISTIBLE. Insegnanti, studenti ed esperti a confronto su temi di ricerca d’avanguardia e aspetti della Ricerca e Innovazione Responsabile, a cura di M. Venturi, Bononia University Press, Bologna, 2018.
  6. Consorzio Interuniversitario AlmaLaurea, Laureate e laureati: scelte, esperienze e realizzazioni professionali. Rapporto 2022, disponibile all’indirizzo
  7. G. Rippon, The gendered brain: The new neuroscience that shatters the myth of the female brain, London, Vintage, 2019.
  8. P. Govoni, Hearsay, Not-So-Big Data, and Choice: On Understanding Science and Maths by Looking at Men Who Supported Women, in Against all Odds: Women’s Ways to Mathematical Research Since 1800, E. Kaufholz-Soldat and N. Oswald Editors, Heidelberg, Springer
  9. Nature, 2020, pp. 281-314.
  10. WEF, Global gender gap report 2021, p. 9, documento disponibile all’indirizzo
  11. Light, When Computers Were Women, in Technology and Culture, 1999, 40, 3, pp. 455-483.
  12. I.stat, Laureati,
  13. C. Sabelli, Disparità di genere nelle università italiane.
  14. C’è ancora molto da fare, in Scienzainrete, 15/01/2021,all’indirizzo
  15. Bbj8cU5APqkwAI