nella Scuola2025-01-27T12:46:55+00:00Margherita Venturimargherita.venturi@unibo.itOpen Journal Systems<p>La rivista CnS – La Chimica nella Scuola costituisce un ausilio di ordine scientifico, professionale e tecnico per i docenti delle scuole di ogni ordine e grado e dell’Università; si offre come luogo di confronto delle idee e delle esperienze didattiche nelle discipline chimiche.</p> fine anno si tirano le somme2025-01-27T10:09:59+00:00Margherita Venturimargherita.venturi@unibo.it2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Margherita Venturi tempi: analisi, riflessioni, proposte2025-01-27T10:19:05+00:00Paola<p>The article proposes a reflection on some aspects of today’s society’s cognitive and social dimensions. These aspects can affect teaching-learning and limit young people’s volition, autonomy, and determination. With some references to the past situation, simple examples and suggestions are provided to dispel misconceptions and misunderstandings, increase motivation, self-esteem, and self-determination, and make fragility and mistakes perceived as opportunities for growth and resilience.</p>2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Paola Bortolon cambia il rapporto con la chimica e le scienze, dalle superiori all’università?2025-01-27T10:31:59+00:00Sergio Zappolisergio.zappoli@unibo.itMarco<p>Despite growing attention towards the development of forms of orientation that effectively support the transition to tertiary training courses, there is a lack, at a national level, of investigations that shed light on the factors that decisively influence the choice of scientific studies, including “informal” cultural inputs and social influences of students. This work presents the proposal for a wide-ranging investigation, based on a survey structure, led from November 2023 to February 2024, about the perception of university students regarding the real motivations that led them to embrace a degree in the scientific field. The results, collected from a large group of students, highlight an articulated and complex picture, that suggests extending this type of investigation, refining orientation strategies and supporting teaching approaches through the first years of higher degree studies.</p>2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Sergio Zappoli, Marco Milano e cinetica di soluzioni di solfato di rame2025-01-27T10:45:38+00:00Laura Fortunatolaura.fortunato@outlook.comIlaria<p>Can the variation in the concentration of a CuSO4 solution be measured either<br>as a change in absorbance or as a change in the color of the solution? Additionally, is measuring the temperature change during an exothermic reaction a good approach to study the kinetics of a reaction as the concentration of a reactant varies? These are the two research questions that emerged during laboratory activities with the students of class II A (CAT) at the IISS Cezzi De Castro Moro in Maglie (Lecce), which led to the scientific investigation presented in this work.</p>2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Laura Fortunato, Ilaria Turturiello in circolo il colore2025-01-27T11:19:35+00:00Sergio<p>Positive interactions between different teaching areas are always sought, but not so often found. This work describes a fortuitous but effective cooperation of scientific and artistic disciplines, in a 2nd year class of a Graphical Technical Institute. Ordinary routine gouache painted paper samples have been examined in a scientific way. Their colours have been measured with a spectrophotometer and then projected in some different colour spaces, with simple 2D and 3D visualizations that changed the students’ opinions on some artistic cliches like “colour wheels” or “primary colours”. At the same time, chemical, safety and sustainability themes have been introduced by searching the nature and behaviours of pigments and dyestuffs in commercial products. Some new ideas have been collected and transferred to the more technically oriented students of the courses on Textile Design and Finishing technologies (“Sistema Moda”)</p>2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Sergio Palazzi è una cosa seria2025-01-27T11:31:19+00:00Paola<p>Play is a powerful educational machine. Perhaps the most important, in the age range of 3 to 6 years. Contemporary children find themselves living in a context that makes them play by prior enrollment, depriving them of the opportunity to experience through play, autonomies, roles, relationships, skills. Reflection on the organizational conditions of school play (space, time, materials) enable teachers to use the full potential of this device for the purpose of personal growth and development and learning.</p>2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Paola Conti percorso esperienziale sugli stati di aggregazione della materia alla scuola dell’infanzia2025-01-27T11:37:54+00:00Jennifer<p>The following article reports on a teaching unit aimed at kindergarten children. The topic of the lessons concerns the three states of matter, which are presented to the students through manipulation experiences and small experiments that the children carry out personally in the classroom, with the constant support of the teacher.</p>2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jennifer Faramia sociali e nuove sfide per la scuola2025-01-27T11:44:34+00:00Cristina<p>What can educational institutions do while facing the challenge of social change? Classes are increasingly composed of students from various origins and diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. That implies taking account of the students’ social, emotional and educational needs with personalized learning strategies based on the relationship between pupils and teachers. These one-on-one meetings are held in a welcoming environment where creative and inclusive educational approaches can take place. Scientific programs promoted by CIDI Firenze embody a feasible way to address the issue.</p>2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cristina Viti processo di decarbonizzazione è indispensabile per la transizione ecologica2025-01-27T12:00:34+00:00Fabio<p>After having clarified what is meant by decarbonization, the article examines the interventions necessary to pursue it by the different sectors: industrial processes, agriculture, transport, the construction sector, electricity production and use of the network. From what emerges in the various sectors our country is far behind in the decarbonization processes in all sectors and a strong acceleration is necessary if we want to achieve the European objectives for 2030. The PNRR, which should constitute the main instrument for tackling the battle against fossil fuels and pushing the use of renewable energy, is proceeding with difficulty and we are not yet seeing a decisive contribution to the decarbonization process: we risk being more indebted than before without having addressed the structural problems.</p>2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Fabio Olmi«Fece della sua scienza arma per la libertà»2025-01-27T12:14:23+00:00Franco<p>In early February 1944, Gianfranco Mattei died in a Nazi prison in Rome. Having graduated in chemistry in Florence in 1938, in 1939 he was appointed assistant professor at the Polytechnic of Milan, in the group led by Giulio Natta. In the following years he taught courses in Analytical Chemistry and carried out numerous research projects, documented by 17 publications. After 8 September 1943 he resigned from the Polytechnic and moved to Rome, where he joined the partisan struggle, becoming one of the bomb disposal experts of the GAP, patriotic action groups. Arrested on 1 February, he was taken to Via Tasso and immediately tortured. He died a few days later, almost certainly by suicide, to avoid the risk of compromising his comrades under torture.</p>2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Franco Calascibettaà dei Beni Culturali2025-01-27T12:20:46+00:00Luigi Campanellaluigi.campanella@uniroma1.it2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Luigi Campanella letteratura internazionale: qualche spunto interessante (open access)2025-01-27T12:24:49+00:00Elena Ghibaudielena.ghibaudi@unito.it2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Elena Ghibaudi