Chimica nella Scuola <p>La rivista CnS – La Chimica nella Scuola costituisce un ausilio di ordine scientifico, professionale e tecnico per i docenti delle scuole di ogni ordine e grado e dell’Università; si offre come luogo di confronto delle idee e delle esperienze didattiche nelle discipline chimiche.</p> CLUEB srl en-US Chimica nella Scuola 0392-8942 Per tornare a “lavorare” dopo la pausa estiva: idee da sfruttare e informazioni da ricordare Margherita Venturi Copyright (c) 2024 Margherita Venturi 2024-09-11 2024-09-11 4 4 1 3 La formazione e l’aggiornamento dei docenti chimici dell’Università di Palermo: le attività del Progetto Mentore e del TLC-CIMDU <p>The chemists of the University of Palermo are users, but also actors, of teacher training and faculty development. In 2019, the establishment of the TLCCIMDU was the natural evolution of the Project of Mentors for Teaching that began a &gt;few years earlier with the aim to enhance teaching, which appeared to be a secondary activity with respect to research. This contribution describes these experiences by placing them in the broader context of pedagogical changes and technological transformations that affect the teaching-learning relationship in the twenty-first century.</p> Antonella M. Maggio Renato Lombardo Delia Chillura Martino Copyright (c) 2024 Antonella M. Maggio, Renato Lombardo, Delia Chillura Martino 2024-09-11 2024-09-11 4 4 4 16 Una separazione e i miscugli attraverso l’arte alla scuola dell’infanzia <p>1Stepping into the shoes of young scientists, the students of a homogeneous group in the final year of kindergarten tackled the topics of mechanical separation through centrifugation, and downstream, homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures through an interdisciplinary approach that intertwined science with art, food education, and civic education.</p> Francesca Racca Francesca Turco Copyright (c) 2024 Francesca Racca, Francesca Turco 2024-09-11 2024-09-11 4 4 17 25 Inquinamento da particolato a Mottola e aspetti educativi <p>1The aim of the work is the assessment of particulate air pollution in Mottola in 2022 and the treatment of socio-educational aspects. Measurements of PM 2,5 and PM 10 were made with a laser scattering instrument, both outdoor, in three selected sites, and indoor, in three schools and in three pharmacies. As for the outdoor sites, data analysis shows some high values in the winter period and an annual average of the data collected in the normal limit. The values collected in schools and pharmacies are acceptable, except for one in October, in correspondence to an outdoor peak. Data on Covid-19 infections and bronchodilators used do not correlate with PM 2,5 and PM 10 peaks. Useful suggestions for managing problems caused by particulate matter are given in the conclusions.</p> Domenico Potenz Gabriella Pansini Lorenza Ritelli Raffaella Trisolini Vita Maria Acquaro Giuseppe Colafemmina Giorgia Carriero Copyright (c) 2024 Domenico Potenz, Gabriella Pansini, Lorenza Ritelli, Raffaella Trisolini, Vita Maria Acquaro, Giuseppe Colafemmina, Giorgia Carriero 2024-09-11 2024-09-11 4 4 26 57 Quanto è “verde” il PNRR? Le par Quanto è “verde” il PNRR? Le parole e i fatti <p>The article examines the “green” Mission 2 of the PNRR which concerns the energy aspects of the ecological transition with the aim of verifying the progress of its development. In particular, the essential elements of the Component 2 of this Mission are examined. It emerges that the promotion of renewable energy is heavily penalised, whereas research and development of hydrogen and development of charging station installations for electric cars are taken in consideration. The rapid progress in biomethane production, which however does not solve the problem of decarbonization, is also considered.</p> Fabio Olmi Copyright (c) 2024 Fabio Olmi 2024-09-11 2024-09-11 4 4 59 73 La falsa identificazione del Santolinenone, componente fondamentale dell’olio essenziale di Santolina camaecyparissus <p>Luigi Francesconi published several articles on the identification of the main components of Santolina chamaecyparissus L. essential oil. He identified three ketones into the essence, giving the structure of santolinenone α and β. These compounds do not exist, and the erroneous identification derives from a wrong interpretation of the experimental available data as well as from the fact that he did not carry out decisive experiments for the identification of the structure.</p> Maurizio D’Auria Copyright (c) 2024 Maurizio D’Auria 2024-09-11 2024-09-11 4 4 75 82 Caos e ordine nella scienza moderna Giovanni Villani Copyright (c) 2024 Giovanni Villani 2024-09-11 2024-09-11 4 4 83 85 La nascita e il valore del Gruppo Interdivisionale di “Epistemologia e Storia della Chimica” della Società Chimica Italiana Eleonora Aquilini Matteo Chioccioli Renato Lombardo Laura Orian Antonio Testoni Giovanni Villani Vincenzo Villani Copyright (c) 2024 Eleonora Aquilini, Matteo Chioccioli, Renato Lombardo, Laura Orian, Antonio Testoni, Giovanni Villani, Vincenzo Villani 2024-09-11 2024-09-11 4 4 86 89 In ricordo di Ermanno Niccoli Pasquale Fetto Copyright (c) 2024 Pasquale Fetto 2024-09-11 2024-09-11 4 4 90 93 Botte e risposte con un lettore Silvano Fuso Ruggero Rollini Sara Tortorella Copyright (c) 2024 Silvano Fuso, Ruggero Rollini, Sara Tortorella 2024-09-11 2024-09-11 4 4 94 97