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Percorsi laboratoriali

No. 1 (2022): La giornata dedicata alle donne e alle ragazze nella scienza

Un percorso didattico per svelare la chimica di un esperimento spettacolare

2 April 2022


The spectacular experiment of exhibition chemistry, known as Golden Rain, simple precipitation and recrystallization of lead iodide, is particularly useful in teaching practice because of its innumerable connections to key topics of the school program of Inorganic Chemistry (solubility, crystallization, precipitation, solubility product, solubility equilibria, Le Châtelier’s Principle), as well as to enable students to carry out focused stoichiometric calculations. A teaching path has been developed in order to take advantage of this potential.


  1. Golden rain. The precipitation of lead iodide, 2015 (consultato il 5 febbraio 2022).
  2. B. A. Crawford, J. Res. Sci. Teaching, 2000, 37(9), 916.
  3. B. Scapellato, Inquiry-based science education, Pearson Academy, 2017.
  4. DPR 89/2010 Indicazioni nazionali riguardanti gli obiettivi specifici di apprendimento concernenti le attività e gli insegnamenti compresi nei piani degli studi previsti per i percorsi liceali.
  5. R. P. Bonomo, G. Tabbì, L. I. Vagliasindi, J. Chem. Ed., 2012, 89(4), 545.
  6. S. De Meo, J. Chem. Educ., 2002, 79(4), 474.